
Are you looking to start your own cosmetic or skin care line , and rather purchase your inventory already made ? Wouldn't you like to save hundreds and even thousands of dollars on products , packaging, labels , inventory , and especially those expensive shipping costs ?  Well look no further ! We've got you covered . We Provide everything you need. 

We have a variety of products that we make daily and provide on our site . You can either purchase inventory already made or purchase the containers and make them yourself . It's definitely not easy when first starting out  your business and having those vendors that set there minimum quantity so high that the budget you previously had set in mind , is now out the window at this point . Trust me it can get overwhelming and frustrating , and now your not sure how you will be able to purchase anything else for  your business .If you don't know ,you should know that you never want to purchase too much inventory , or else it will just sit there and collect dust and you lose money. This is why we're here . We want to help you save money , time and the stress . 

How does this work ?

Its pretty easy . All you have to do is follow these 3 simple steps

  1. choose the type of products you'd like to purchase for your business
  2. select the quantity 
  3. and then BAM complete your order and we ship it to you RIGHT AWAY . 

How hard can that be ?

Types of ingredients we use

As you do know , we only provide vegan and cruelty free products. we do not condone in any type of animal cruelty, nor do we agree to make products that are not healthy for your skin and body . Our products are 100% natural and we are here to ensure that not only do we provide you with products for your business , but also natural , healthy, beneficial products . Each product will have a description with all of its ingredients listed.

Now that we've made this absolutely simple for you , what are you waiting for ? Its time for you to start your business ! Choose your favorites to add to your brand !

Theresa Jones